Memories are not reality. Neither are photographs. They are filtered through time and emotions. Somewhat altered, foggy, vague, they comfort us when we need them. Detailed and blurry at the same time, they allow us to touch the previous times and places that make us who we are.
I don’t know what catches my eye and makes me stop and create an image at a particular place. Obviously, it has struck some place in my subconscious. I take that feeling and combine it with the information on the negative to create an image in the darkroom that describes a time and place in my memory. When completed, I feel like I have created a page torn from my past, a memory filtered by time, and subject to reinterpretation each time.
Just as a memory may vary from time to time, each print will vary according to my own feelings and mood while printing. No two prints are exactly alike; no two memories are exactly alike.